Proofreading and Editing Services

What Is Good Writing?

It’s not true that it takes “natural talent” to write well. Writing is a learned skill, and with practice, anyone can become good at it.

How I Use Fictionary Storyteller to Edit My Story

I use Fictionary Storyteller to self-edit my story before I send it off to a live editor. It’s great because it has a lot of features, it’s easy to use, and it stores my work so I can access it from anywhere.

The 5 Parts of a Story

Want to know how to tell a good story? These are the five parts of a story to practice in order to learn how to tell stories better.

White Writer, Black Characters

Resources created by authors who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color to help writers craft nuanced, authentic characters.

Write a Good Book Review

You know whether you like a book, and you sort of know why, but do you know how to write a good book review? And why even bother?

Prepping for NaNoWriMo

I’m prepping for NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. Have you had success with NaNoWriMo? Did it help when you were doing the actual writing? Any advice for me?